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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Crown Prince Paulo announces sweeping new Imperial progam

Traveller News Service 038-718 Capital/Core 0508-A586A98-F
Crown Prince Paulo today announced that with the completion of the X-Boat network another sweeping new Imperial program would begin universal conscription. "During her regency my ancestor Empress Arbellatra not only searched for a legitimate heir but also commissioned detailed and in depth sociological studies to try and understand what drove the instability in imperial society that allowed the civil war to continue as long ans as pointlessly as it did. After bowing to the wishes of the Moot and the subjects of the Iridium Throne at large and accepting the crown and all it's burdens these studies started reporting results. The central reason was the Imperium was seen as a force that acted on the average citizens life but cared little for them. Directed to find a way to overcome this fallacy two projects were begun the first was the X-Boat network so the concerns of the people could be heard and addressed in a timely fashion no matter how far from Capital and the second was a means to give everyone a personal connection to the Imperium and provide training in a career to allow them to have a fulfilling life. In pursuit of the second goal every citizen regardless of social position will upon attaining their majority be required to serve the Imperium for 4 years in some capacity. Hand in hand with the Nobles of the Moot a wide variety of career paths are available and will not only provide a solid skill for the individual but also a way to improve the quality of life for the Imperium as a whole. Further details are available from your local noble.

Traveller News Service 038-1018 Capital/Core 0508-A586A98-F
On the 300th anniversary of universal conscription the University of Sylea held a symposium on benefits gained from it and lessons learned during its implementation. On the whole the academics found it a positive program leading to a more cohesive sense of belonging and proving a workable way of the long talked about universal employment at least for 18 to 22 year olds. Some quibbled with it distorting the fundamental free market system that forms the foundation of Imperium. The most heated moment came when it was asserted the lessons from the program where used in the Psionic Suppression's as asserted by Albert Croale in Crisis of '99. This theory has never been proved and is hotly denied by Imperial Officials but remain popular with the fringe conspiracy theory crowd.

*Traveller News Service; Capital/Core 0508-A586A98-F; X-Boat; Arbellatra; Iridium Throne; Sylea; Psionic Supression's; Albert Croale and Crisis of '99 are all the intellectual creations of GDW and I am in no way claiming any rights to them or their usage. I believe I am following fair use but if I am not please let me know and I will delete this post

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