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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

I have been working on a man with blonde hair and a tan or the athlete career in Cepheus Engine

A side note to start I hate computers. Or maybe just linux, no it's computers. I have spent an hour trying to type 4 lines for my blog and it has been a nightmare. If you are using a wired connection there is no problem but if I want to use my laptop on a wifi connection it drops the connection whenever there is no data transfer. which wouldn't be such a pain if it then didn't take 30 seconds to reconnect; look up google; establish a secure connection and do whatever the hell else it was doing. By the time all that crap happened blogger had detected a problem with the autosave and then ignored the crap out of me. why do I suspect linux? Because I am currently typing this using my old slow netbook that has Windows XP on it without the same problem. Thanks for a super safe operating system that prevents any online dangers by keeping me from using my effing computer at all.

Anyways the Athlete career in Cepheus Engine (CE). It can be thought of as a professional athlete but there are other possibilities as well. I am calling for everyone to serve the Referendum for four years and where there could be that many official teams considering the farm system I also am including PE teachers and personal trainers and the like. To qualify you need to get 8+ with Endurance as the relevant characteristic which means you need to be a little luckier and/or sturdy than the average being to get in. Survival is a 5+ with a boost for Dexterity which needs a little thought if you go with the failure equals death rule. I leave that as the player's option on every survival roll so your Athlete career coming to an end from an injury is not surprising. There is no commission or advancement which leaves a re-enlistment roll of 6+ meaning it is rare that someone serves to many terms as an Athlete. At the end of your first term you get Athletics - 1 from the service and level 0 in Admin; Carousing; Computer; Gambling and Vehicle. Admin is the tyrannical papery fist that rules all known space so any service can account for learning it. Carousing is the skill of being personable which is handy if you are either self promoting or trying to get people to do something most people don't want to, exercise. Computer would presumably be something any star citizen would know with higher levels possibly representing how to work social media to an Athlete's advantage. Gambling is another skill I think of as wide spread in Fermi's Universe (FU) as the government pushes gambling to provide the illusion of limitless opportunity for every citizen. Vehicle is again a skill everyone could be expected to pick up I am adding Animal to the list to account for low tech worlds and equestrian style events.

The mustering out benefits are low passage; +1 Int; weapon; high passage; Explorer's Society and high passage again. FU has the Showcase of Worlds! media circus, I mean talent show with fabulous prizes like the above as the reward. This changes the Explorer's Society into a to be determined cool name for former winner. Why some careers get a boost to thinking on their feet and other get tons of facts memorized I am unsure of and am going to change all of them to +1 Int or Edu and leave it to the player to decide. The cash table ranges from a kind of lame 2000 to a very respectable 100,000 which makes sense to me considering the wide range in player salaries we see today.

The service skill table was summarized at the end of term resolution. The personal development puzzles me somewhat because there is no provision to increase your strength or endurance. It has Dex; Int; Edu; Soc; Carousing and Melee Combat. I don't have any problem with those as I can see them all being things helpful to anyone in the Athlete career as I imagine it. The specialist skills are Zero-G; Athletics x2; Computer; Leadership and Gambling all of which make sense to me. The advanced education skills are Advocate; Computer; Liaison; Linguistics; Medicine and Sciences which again all make sense. I have no problems with any one table but I am somewhat dissatisfied with them overall. Computer shows up on three tables but Athletics only on two. Likewise gambling and carousing are on two tables but strength; endurance and gun combat are not available. I am inclined to replace carousing with +1 Str and melee combat with +1 End on the personal development table. In the case of the specialist table I am thinking of replacing computer with melee combat and gambling with gun combat. However I am not sure I am actually going to make those changes without generating a few characters to see how I like the table as is and with the changes made.

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