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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A crow's eye view

The relative quiet morning of the day of the Crow in the week of the Ember of month of the Hawk on the Fromth Plains was disturbed by an argument between two young men. A crow lazily flapped nearer to investigate insatiably curious as any member of it's kind. The 2 young men where handsome as humans judge such things and with them were 6 other youths and a Centaur not far removed for being a colt as the young men were all close to being children. Intrigued Corvus, as he was known to the members of his murder, drifted closer.
“I won't be long Peter I just need to get, uh see a few friends before we leave for good” The better looking of the two was saying in a reasonable tone. “Then we should all go or do you have friends we don't know Marcus?” Responded a sandy haired youth possessed of an aura of confidence presumably Peter. After a quick pauses Marcus replied, “I have a sweetheart and farewells between a man and a girl are not generally a spectator event!” Before Peter could respond a red haired youth who hither to now hadn't seemed to be paying attention to anything for long spoke up. “You do not only Kale has a girlfriend sorta and besides you won't find what you want to get where you left it anyways.” After the briefest pause a welter of voices broke into a discordant chorus. A red faced youth of notably large size was denying an amour betraying him as Kale. Marcus was demanding Samoth tell him where his belongings where thus identifying the red head. “Alright quiet down everyone” Peter said coming to a halt and turning to face the others then meeting Samoth's gaze. “Samoth what is going on I should know about?”. A stern glance quieted Kale and Marcus. With a shrug Samoth answered his big brother, “Marcus has been performing at the roadhouse and has some nice clothes and a bunch of money he had hidden in an unused sheep cote, A rather pretty young lady shows up know and again and her and Kale go off together I have tried to find out where she is from but she always heads out into the plains to far for me to follow without getting in real trouble. Doren wants Abel to meet some smiths along the way 'cause he is really good. I haven't found out what Victor is up to yet. Mott can talk to animals by looking at them and Merzbow can't believe how weird we all are.”
“Anything else?” Peter asked. “Othon wets the bed.” A bespectacled and up to that statement quiet youth howled with rage “You will pay you lying little bastard the Sisters aren't here to hide behind now!” Peter and Samoth seemed somewhat stunned by the heat in Othon's anger. “Nnn no if you try and hurt Samoth I will hurt you more.” The largest and quietest of the youth stammered slightly as he effortlessly picked Othon up by his collar. “Whoa, whoa whoa we are all brothers and even if we say things to hurt one another we should never try and harm one another. Samoth that was mean to embarrass Othon, Othon you should think about the consequences of your own cruel words to Abel and Abel please put Othon down.” Peter drew in a breath a scrubbed his face with a hand. Corvus could tell things would really get good now and alighted in a bush near the youths. “alright we are all uneasy or upset to be leaving our home and heading out to the unknown but you are my brothers and I will never abandon you or leave you to face any hardship alone as I would hope any of us would do for any one of us.” The quarrelsome ones looked somewhat ashamed at Peter's sad tone. “Lets try to treat each other with a little respect and pull together on our way to the Stone, now what did you mean about Marcus' belongings no longer being where he left them, Samoth?”
“I put them in Abel's pack figuring he wouldn't notice the weight.” It was apparent Samoth's attention was waning. “Okay why did you do that?” Peter tried again smiling at Samoth in understanding of his need to be doing something other than standing around talking. “Well The Sisters decided we would be leaving today so last night I got his stuff so we wouldn't have to detour and get it.” Peter just sighed, by his inflection Samoth must have meant Mother Beatrice and Sisters Anne and Judith the three ladies most responsible for raising them and Peter didn't need to ask how Samoth knew because he probably had been eavesdropping by climbing up the outside of the tower. A new uproar erupted just them Corvus's own eavesdropping had allowed Mott's wolf companion to creep up on the bush and startle the crow into a hasty flight and loud complaint. “Serves you right for not paying attention” a chuckle in his brain whispered cutting the crow's outcry short. As the group moved off the crow kept them in view. Knowing it wasn't wise the large black bird could not help it they were the most interesting thing encountered in a long time.

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