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Sunday, October 9, 2016

Fermi Cluster

It is now obvious I am not even slightly artistically enabled but this is the super high level map of the Fermi cluster. I regret not setting the background to black but the gaps between the areas are intentional. The reason I decided to have so many worlds with there own "native" human populations was twofold. The first to satisfy myself on why there will be the huge variations in technology levels of the worlds. Having a source of higher tech goods will in my viewpoint stagnate a worlds own development. It is cheaper to buy a Windows 10 touch tablet made overseas than to setup the capacity to make one in your own backyard, more so if the source belongs to the same government as your world. Secondly it was to slow the rate of expansion of the empires. However they go about adding worlds to their sphere of influence integrating a different society to the point it can be reliably considered a member of the empire will take more time than settling a world with people who are already citizens.

MegaTraveller's story had it's problems but one thing I really liked was the various zones idea. The safes wear all the worlds were definitely on the same team and law and order worked. The Outlands or Frontiers where the worlds where sympathetic to the closest power for the most part but not members worlds and where law and order became less the norm. And finally the Wilds were there was no offworld loyalty and safety was an intellectual concept and rarely a concrete state of being. So the above preliminary undoubtedly will change map shows the positions of the various safes in relation to each other and the uncontrolled distances between them. My goal here is to have a setting that allows for any kind of campaign the group is interested in. Also shrinking the overall size of the universe should allow for changes in what the group wants to do. So you start with the plucky free trader crew on the southern edge of P/K doing stuff and upgrading their ship. As their ship gets better in my experience players get more bellicose. I call it the 5th level deathwish from years of D&D that was the level where we all of a sudden decided we could do anything because we were invincible leading to our deaths. So you can wander toward the E but probably not as mind readers and the usually nefarious PC's aren't a good fit or strike out into the Frontier and eventually the Wilds. It also ould mean maps and nav tapes become hard to come by the further you get from the safes. Commercially there wouldn't be a reason to mass produce information for places no one goes and if the government has them what motivation would they have to share them freely with their own population?

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